徐莉莉 (11歲及18歲兒子的媽媽)
「媽媽,你不要煩!」,「我不知道!」這些孩子的答話,令我十分困擾。在親子教練課程裏,我學識了家長的責任是培養孩子訂立自己的人生目標,不是我替他訂立目標,我因性急,往往在孩子未整理思絮,我便已替其擬定計劃,沒有給他鍛煉的機會。很多謝李教練指正我的缺點。 |
夏先生 (3歲及1歲兒子的爸爸)
我的生活的質素改善了,不是因為我富裕了。而是我經過 Coach Lee 的 教練後,我漸漸可以融入兩個兒子的世界,現在我發現家裡的氣氛更祥和更開心;而不是冰冷、不安。在過去數月,我重新檢視自己既有的觀念,練習從多個不同角度看同一件事,我明白兒子及自己多一點! |
鄭太( 1歲及3歲孩子的媽媽)
在偶然的情況下得悉Coach Lee 的親子教練課程。上了第一堂後,我頓時開竅了,原來教練技巧的第一步是“站在孩子立場去看事情或聆聽孩子的心聲”,Coach Lee授課的態度專業及充滿能量。謝謝Coach Lee ,你真的啟發了我,我認定學習做親子教練,陪伴兩個孩子的成長,這是我兩個孩子的幸福。 |
Charmaine Lo
(8及10 歲女兒的母親) |
李導師提醒我要持一個開放的心,專心聆聽女兒的說話,以及言下之意,……不要為她設下太窄的框框,而要給予她空間探索和成長,並且要多用讚賞去發掘她的優點。我感到最開心的是,這些溝通技巧和心法不但適用於教養兒女上,更有助我平日與丈夫、朋友及同事的相處。 |
李教練專業、和藹、幽默、友善、風趣。她教導我子女不聽話,不單是子女的問題,若要改變子女的行為,先要改變自己,以前我是不知道的,現在我教子女好多了。 |
Agnes (3歲孩子的媽媽)
"我發現自己育兒和做人太過著眼於对與錯,易起衝突,影响親子和人际关係.我從今以後要多從孩子或同事的角度想事情,說話的態度要比前温柔!我亦不要只重结果而忽畧過程." |
The BEST parenting course
Irene (a mother of a five year old boy)
This is the BEST parenting course I have ever joined! It is so insightful, inspiring and totally exceeds my expectation. "Being a coach" to my son is really a new, yet important, concept to me. Our child is the gift from God and Coach Lee always reminds us our role is to assist him to excel his potential (not follow exactly what we want him to be). We are the one who offer him guidance and direction but NOT instruction. To this end, Coach Lee has coached us how to align goal with our kids, how to make our conversation more positive and effective, how to ask inspiring question and how to be an open-minded parents....all these skills are practical, useful and you know, it works well when I apply these skill sets while interacting with my son. I would say thank you to Coach Lee as she is a fantastic coach and has offered us invaluable way of thinking which I have never thought of. Million Thanks! |
Expertise on coaching parents
Principal Cheung LM
Cognitio College (Hong Kong) |
Coach Lee was invited to our S1 parents’ night on Sept 23, 2011 to give parents a talk on how to equip themselves to assist the development of their children. Instead of directly transmitting her extensive knowledge on the topic, she adopted an interactive mode, actively engaging our parents throughout her presentation. We were particularly impressed by her flair to facilitate parents’ reflection on the rationales behind their actions taken in educating their children. Having rich experiences of parent education, Miss Lee was skillful in diagnosing accurately the problems faced by parents nowadays and pinpointing precisely their blind spots in educating their children. Besides, she was able to provide our parents with insightful feedback on their queries. On the whole, we believe that parents after attending her talk would definitely be benefited from her expertise on coaching parents. |
Reassess priorities at home and redefine
effectiveness at work. An international professional advisory firm
Ms. Lee shared useful insights into what constitutes balanced and quality parenting in a way which was practical for our busy modern professionals. Exploring the characteristics of quality time and work-life balance encouraged our people to reassess priorities at home and redefine effectiveness at work.“ |